воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

discontinued mikasa

This weekend I was awake for over 27 hours for the first time since college. It was weird. I had forgotten all the trippy things the body does once it finally gets itapos;s second wind and you reach the manic "I AM�FINE" stage.� This, of course, means that you are decidedly not fine, but oh well.� Coming off this roller coaster ride I�have now had a grand total of 3 hours of sleep.� Sleep, I�might add, that was punctuated by some of the craziest dreaming I�have witnessed in a long time.� There was some sort of sadistic 18 century romance going on with some aristocratic dude trying desprately to marry me off to his sister who wasnapos;t interested in me, and I�wasnapos;t interested in her.� I�was still me.� He came up with some intriguing steam powered weapons to threaten us with though in the end I�was undone with a Bic razor he used to slash my hand.� I�had to juggle that with the duties of being the first officer of a ship set in a futuristic universe that was something of a cross between Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek: Voyager.� Trust me when I�say that Edward James Olmos should never be crossed with Captain Jayneway in any crazy, mixed up universe.� Mixed in with all the drama of the dream were brief interludes of pop culture from the 1980apos;s like when the console on the ship turned into the dashboard of the car in Knight Rider and Kit spoke to me.� Mr. T also made brief appearances here and there, but was uncharacteristically quiet as he went about his business fixing portions of the ship with a blow torch and a lot of gold chains.

antianaphylactogen, discontinued mikasa, discontinued meucci pool cues, discontinued merchandise, discontinued mccalls patterns.

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